"When the devil had finished all this tempting, he left him until an opportune time." - Luke 4:13
Dr. David Jeremiah tells the following: "I read a story this week about the war that took place in Bosnia in the late 1990s that was made famous by the escape of Scott O'Grady. The downed American flyer evaded capture for days in enemy territory until rescue helicopters found him. And when the helicopters landed in the clearing near where O'Grady was hiding, he did not relax in the brush and wait for the pilot to come and get him. He shook off his fatigue, fought through the bushes, drew his weapon out, and with every ounce of energy he had, he ran to the escape that had been provided for him. His actions parallel the engagement God requires of us in spiritual warfare. We should not assume that because God promises to provide a way out of temptation, we have no role in our own rescue. God provides the way, but we have to take the way."
Temptation can come at any time. Today, in prayer, ask the Lord to make you aware of any temptations and have Him lead you away from all temptation.
"When evil desire finds you armed with the fear of God and the determination to resist, it will flee far away from you.” – Hermas, the Shepherd
God's Word: “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.”- Matthew 6:13